Lifestyle Music

Savannah on song at Saloon jam session

Written by Mickey Mentz

Rock music is not meant to be perfect – Ozzy Osbourne

An innocent jam session with the Karoo Saloon’s house band turned into one of the most memorable mid-week events when singer songwriter Savannah Collins from Namibia took to the stage on Tuesday, June 15.

By no means a stranger to the Rock Road House located just outside Barrydale, Savannah played a few classics and then opted to let the music flow.

Later on her impeccable voice was complimented by the sweet sounds that resonated from Ozzy and the Saloon Dogs (the house band) and it almost seemed as if her stage presence had an enchanting effect on her fellow musicians.

During the band’s dinner break, it was left to Herman van Wyk and his wacky Drie Been (Afrikaans band) comrades to keep the ball on the roll. Herman produced what was later described as one of the best performances of his career.

With sufficient sustenance derived from several vegan braai pies, The Saloon Dogs and Savannah again made some magical tunes.

Savannah later took over lead guitar duties from axeman supreme Chris Niemand and so the music continued right up to the point where president Cyril again decided to damper proceedings with more lockdown restrictions.

Another memorable mid-week mash-up @ The Saloon

The cherry on top on this sublime evening of music was the introduction of local songstress Candice Erasmus who is, thanks to the guidance of Karoo Saloon frontman Wilko Spangenberg, shaping up to become one of the best female performers in all of Barrydale.

All we, the humble crowd, can say is thank you for the music!

Also read: Albert Frost talks to News62 @ the Karoo Saloon

Barrydale Hand Weavers

About the author

Mickey Mentz

From my Barrydale base, my goal is to tell the stories of people and places on the picturesque R62. Ek het oor die jare 'n cappuccino verslawing ontwikkel en my honde se name is Bella en Obi.

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