Hats off to all the ladies of Barrydale and surrounds for looking absolutely stunning at the Women’s Day High Tea which was hosted at the Karoo Art Hotel on August 9.
And they could not have asked for better weather either as it was a warm winter’s afternoon with a hint of spring in the air.
According to event organiser Vivienne Gunning this high tea marked the start of many initiatives that the hotel will be taking to celebrate the fairer sex.
“We are delighted that so many women joined us and we would like to thank each and every one of them for attending. We hope and trust that get-togethers like this will take place once a month,” she noted.

“In future we will look to invite speakers to address our lovely ladies while never losing sight of our main goal of celebrating the art of enjoying the finer things in life.”
Women doing it for themselves (with a little help by Chef Derek)
While there was no shortage of delicious cakes, scones and muffins at the beautifully decorated hotel courtyard, the women of Barrydale, Suurbraak, Swellendam and even Stillbaai who fancied a cocktail were pleasantly surprised with the selection the hotel had on offer.

The hot drinks were equally delicious and from experience this reporter knows that there is great truth in Eleanor Roosevelt’s famous quote: “A woman is like a teabag, you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.”